Sunday, December 26, 2010

His Hallelujah Lasts Forever

Psalm 111:10 in the Message Bible says, "The good life begins in the fear of God- Do that and you'll know the blessings of God. His Hallelujah lasts forever." In the Amplified Bible the last part of the verse says, ""A good understanding, wisdom, and meaning have all those who do [the will of the Lord]. Their praise of Him endures forever."
What does this look like? As my mind was exploring this verse I imagined all of history, people's voices intertwining in the heavens. The picture was voices going up all the praise meeting together in a great flow, a great river of sound and praise, every "Hallelujah", every "Praise you Lord" coming up together never fading, a constant reverberation in the heavens. Every praise literally lasting forever, a great swell of adoration; coming to crescendos as chosen times in history. The dedication of Solomon's temple, the birth of Christ, the Resurrection of our Savior, being just a few but also the greatest. Imagine every praise, starting with Adam, King David's Psalms, Deborah, Moses' Mother when he was saved from the Nile, the small sounds of a joyful child, the singing of choirs, the voice of Jesus Christ on Earth, reverberating forever in the heavens, eternal. The words of saints throughout history, many names, lives, and faces forgotten by all on earth going on forever in the ears of our Lord. The "thank you God" of George Washington, the prayers of my 6 year old son, the dying breath of an old woman meeting her Lord, and the "Amen Jesus" of my one year old. The promise of Psalm 111 is that every praise of the righteous endures, resonates, forever; for the rest of eternity. Praise the Lord!  

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