Wednesday, June 2, 2010

To Speak or Act on Behalf of God

 Isn't that what the prophetic is? That is the definition of the prophetic according to Patricia King in this great, short, teaching clip: You Can Prophesy on XPMEDIA.COM. I love that I can proclaim the word of God and prophesy over my future, my friends, family, strangers on the street, people God puts on my heart (often strangers) leaders, nations. . .It is very exciting! Living a prophetic life isn't something so strange or spooky. It starts with believing God's Word and declaring it over your situation and choosing to believe the Word over your circumstances.  
For I will declare, "Faithful love is built up forever; You established Your faithfulness in the heavens."
Psalm 89:2

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Can You Raise The Dead?
Jesus said to Raise the Dead. How do you do it?