Sunday, June 20, 2010

Identical Visions- The Cauldron

Today when a few of us met for prayer at church I kept seeing a picture in my mind and hearing the words "God disrupt our plans, stir up the stagnation. Let us not rely on our own plans and knowledge" And I saw a big black pot like a cauldron with a goopy top (like it was stagnant) and a stick coming out the top. Like God wanted to stir it.
I held on to it for a few minutes, not sure whether to pray about it out loud, or to hold it to myself and pray it through. Finally I spoke it out, giving it to the Lord and praying for His will. When I said the big pot, the gal across from me said that she had been seeing a picture in her mind of a large cauldron and God stirring it up for a couple weeks now and didn't know what it was. The cauldron in her vision was sitting on top of books (not the Bible). I think the books represent the part that I heard not to rely on our own knowledge or plans. She got goosebumps, and we both really were amazed how God spoke to us about the same exact thing so specifically.
Lord show us Your will, show us how to pray for this hour!

1 comment:

Gretchen Fawn Photography said...

I think that being open to God speaking to us of what to pray is so amazing!! If it does stir someone else, wonderful! If it doesn't, then there's no harm in it. God being more fully in control of every prayer, every word, every action, every thought, every turn of the spirit, BRING IT ON!!!! Love you!!

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